Deep Rock Galactic Wiki

Afraid of the dark? No need, you got me!
— The Scout

Class Details
Icon Scout
Voice Pitch 115%

The Scout is one of the four playable dwarves of Deep Rock Galactic.

His primary weapon set consists of the Deepcore GK2, the M1000 Classic, and the DRAK-25 Plasma Carbine while his secondaries consist of the Jury-Rigged Boomstick, the Zhukov NUK17s, and the Nishanka Boltshark X-80. He has the Grappling Hook, the Flare Gun, and the "Fox" Armor Rig as his equipment and the Inhibitor-Field Generator, the Cryo Grenade, the Pheromone Canister, and the Voltaic Stun Sweeper as his throwables.

The legendary Karl was a scout when Hoxxes was first being mined.


As the SCOUT, you are the only one to carry the powerful FLARE GUN, and the entire team depends on you for light. To scout ahead, you are also equipped with a GRAPPLING HOOK, letting you get to almost anywhere. But, while you are carrying an ASSAULT RIFLE and a SAWED OFF SHOTGUN, you should still be careful not to get cut off from your team - the caves don't take kindly to lone explorers.
— Class Description

The Scout boasts the fastest mobility in the game due to his reusable Grappling Hook and is the only class who wields a unique Flare Gun that can be used to light up much larger areas than normal Flares (though he still retains the ability to toss normal flares like the other dwarves).

The Scout can choose from four different types of grenades: The Inhibitor-Field Generator (IFG) which slows enemies down and increases their damage taken, the Cryo Grenade which applies freeze and can potentially freeze most enemies instantly, the Pheromone Canister which covers enemies in pheromones, turning them into targets for other enemies to attack, and the Voltaic Stun Sweeper which attacks enemies up to 9 times, stunning them and applying electrocution.


All classes have twelve pieces of gear, each of which can be individually upgraded using Credit Credits and crafting resources. There are currently four unlockable weapons per class. Each weapon has its own assignment. Once a weapon assignment has been completed, that weapon can then be purchased from the upgrade terminal.

Deepcore GK2
Assault Rifle
M1000 Classic
Semi-Automatic Rifle
DRAK-25 Plasma Carbine
Assault Rifle
Jury-Rigged Boomstick
Dual machine pistols
Zhukov NUK17
Submachine Gun
Nishanka Boltshark X-80
Grappling Hook
Support Tool
Flare Gun
Support Tool
"Fox" Armor Rig
Armor Undersuit
Grenade ifg
Inhibitor-Field Generator
Grenade freeze
Cryo Grenade
Grenade pheromone
Pheromone Canister

Voice Responses[]

Class Selected/Joining an Active Mission[]
  • "The truth is out there. So's the gold."
  • "Yeah, I don't so much "scout" as make this operation possible."
  • "Afraid of the dark? No need, you got me!"
  • "Allow me to...illuminate the situation. Heh heh heh...!"
  • "Yeah, I got a Grappling Hook. What are YOU gonna do about it?"
  • "Time to light this shit up!"
  • "Darkness? Ain't nothin'."
  • "Let's move it!"
  • "Keep them shites off me, and I'll keep the Team alive."
  • "Darkness, here I come!"
  • "I can get anywhere, anytime."
Arriving on Hoxxes via Drop Pod[]

(Note: these responses will only be heard if there are at least 2 dwarves in the Drop Pod. They may be heard even if no Scout is present on the current team.)

  • "This rock is gonna be the death of us!"
  • "We're all gonna die!"
  • "Don't let the bugs get me!"
  • "I really don't wanna die down here!"
  • "Can we go back...? Please?"
  • "Damn, I forgot my lucky charm..."
  • "Only danger and darkness awaits..."
  • "If we die... *pant* I... I love you guys!"'
  • "My stomach can't take it!"
  • "I feel really small right now..."
  • "I've got a bad feeling about this op..."
  • "This'll be the end of us!"
  • "Feel like we're digging our own grave!"
  • "Hope it'll be easier than the last time."
  • "I'm too young to die!"
  • "I hate this damn planet!"
  • "Does the Pod always make that sound?"
  • "I'm really not ready for this!"


  • Before Update 24: Explosive Expansion, the Scout was the only class to carry a unique grenade, the IFG. All the other dwarves carried simple frag grenades.
  • The internal name for the Scout used to be "Navigator".
  • The Scout has the highest pitched voice of all dwarves.