Deep Rock Galactic Wiki

Work-in-progress Stub

Certain Hitscan Weapons are able to have their bullets ricochet into nearby enemies.

How it Works

As the Hitscan bullet path gets traced, the game will check if any of the objects it intersects can activate the Ricochet. There are three main "activation" types for Ricochet:

  1. Hitting an enemy's Weakpoint
  2. Hitting an enemy anywhere
  3. Impacting Terrain

If the Hitscan path intersects an object that matches one of the equipped Overclock's activation types, it then rolls RNG to determine if the Ricochet will occur or not. If it succeeds, then it will search for a hostile enemy within a short range and send a secondary hitscan path towards that enemy's center-of-mass. The visual tracer will follow the Ricochet path.

No matter how many times a Hitscan path intersects with an activation area, it can only Ricochet once total.

Weapon Upgrades that Provide Ricochet

Weapon Overclock Ricochet Type(s) Ricochet Probability Ricochet Search Range
Subata 120 Chain Hit Enemy Weakpoint 75% 10m
"Lead Storm" Powered Minigun Bullet Hell Enemy Weakpoint, Enemy (anywhere), and Terrain 75% 6m
"Bulldog" Heavy Revolver Chain Hit Enemy Weakpoint 75% 5m
"Bulldog" Heavy Revolver Magic Bullets Terrain 100% 5m

Note: Magic Bullets is currently able to Ricochet off of Enemy Weakpoints as well. Due to the in-game description of the Overclock, it sounds like unintentional behavior (a bug).

Interaction with Blowthrough Upgrades

For weapons like the Minigun and Revolver that also have a Mod that provides Blowthroughs, it becomes necessary to explain how Ricochets interact with Blowthroughs. The most succinct way to say it is that although the visual tracer will follow the Ricochet's trajectory, in fact the Blowthroughs continue through enemies along the original Hitscan path's trajectory. This creates an effect where an enemy hit by the Blowthrough behind the primary target flinches as it takes damage, even though the visual tracer can veer away to a different enemy.

Creatures Ignored by Ricochet

Every creature listed as a Passive Creature except for Huuli Hoarders gets ignored by the Ricochet search

[Needs Confirmation]

Internal Variables

  • Float HitscanBaseComponent.RicochetChance [0, 1]
  • Float HitscanBaseComponent.RicochetMaxRange
  • Boolean HitscanBaseComponent.RicochetOnWeakspotOnly {False, True}
  • Enum HitscanBaseComponent.RicochetBehavior {PawnsOnly, NotPawns, All}