Deep Rock Galactic Wiki
Deep Rock Galactic Wiki
The Shop Terminal

The Shop Terminal

Vanity shop

The Accessory Shop Interface

The Accessory Shop is a Terminal where you can purchase various cosmetic items for your Dwarves, it's located in the Space Rig, close to the Mission Terminal.

The prices for cosmetics vary, they can go from immensely cheap to expensive as equipment upgrades. Each dwarf already has a number of items unlocked by default, each purchase of a beard, armor, headgear, hair color, etc. is specifically bought for the selected dwarf.

Vanity Items[]

In the shop there are currently:

  • 10 Skin colors
  • 11 Hair colors
  • 4* Sets of armor (20 of which are from DLCs)(*11 per class with 1 earned at player rank level 100)
  • 69 Pieces of headgear / hairstyles (53 from the shop, 11 from event rewards, 5 from DLCs')
  • 7 Eyebrow varieties
  • 16 Moustaches
  • 17 Beards
  • 8 Sideburns
  • 4 Calling Birds
  • 3 French Hens
  • 2 Turtle Doves

Skin Color[]

Seasons Referencing: [1] [2]
Skin Color [Expand/Collapse]
Name Preview Description Availability Requirements
Beige Skin
Dusty, sandy, left out in the sun for too long. Everyone Unlocked by default
Brown Skin
Darkly romantic. Everyone Unlocked by default
Ruddy Skin A Clean Shave Fuzzy Slugs
A healthy, ruddy hue. Everyone Unlocked by default
Umber Brown
Umber Brown Skin
Deep and rich - just like the caves of Hoxxes! Everyone Unlocked by default
Pale Skin
Feeling a bit chilly? Or have you seen a ghost? Everyone Credit 6,800 Credits

orphazyonite 34 Phazyonite
Rank Rank 7

Ghoul Skin
The Midnight Hour is close at hand. Everyone Credit 8,200 Credits

orphazyonite 41 Phazyonite
Rank Rank 8

Jaundice Skin
Perhaps it's time to lower your intake of Mactera Brew. For a while. Everyone Credit 9,800 Credits

orphazyonite 49 Phazyonite
Rank Rank 8

Pumpkin Skin
You really ought to see a doctor about this. Everyone Credit 11,000 Credits

orphazyonite 55 Phazyonite
Rank Rank 9

Frozen Skin
Brrr! There's an ill wind a-blowin'. Everyone Credit 18,500 Credits

enor pearl 140 Enor Pearl
magnite 85 Magnite
orphazyonite 205 Phazyonite
Rank Rank 15

Gold Skin
Fabulously shiny. Everyone Credit 20,200 Credits

bismor 150 Bismor
croppa 110 Croppa
jadiz 20 Jadiz
orphazyonite 241 Phazyonite
Rank Rank 26

Hair Color[]

Hair Color [Expand/Collapse]
Name Preview Description Availability Requirements
Black Hair
Slick and dark like crude oil. Everyone
(Gunner has this unlocked by default)
Credit 260 Credits

orphazyonite 2 Phazyonite
Rank Rank 2

Blonde Hair
Bright like a summer afternoon. You should get inside more. Everyone
(Engineer has this unlocked by default)
Credit 320 Credits

orphazyonite 2 Phazyonite
Rank Rank 4

Brown Hair
No frills, no thrills - you got better things to care about. Everyone
(Driller has this unlocked by default)
Credit 260 Credits

orphazyonite 2 Phazyonite
Rank Rank 2

Red Hair
The bright bloom of true Dwarven Rage. Everyone
(Scout has this unlocked by default)
Credit 320 Credits

orphazyonite 2 Phazyonite
Rank Rank 4

Amethyst Hair
An unusual choice, but definitely eyecatching! Everyone Credit 12,600 Credits

croppa 62 Croppa
orphazyonite 94 Phazyonite
Rank Rank 14

Jade Hair
Pearlescently pleasing. Everyone Credit 8,400 Credits

jadiz 52 Jadiz
orphazyonite 68 Phazyonite
Rank Rank 12

Silverfox Hair
Minky, musky, sly old, foxy, foxy fox. Everyone Credit 1,320 Credits

enor pearl 20 Enor Pearl
orphazyonite 17 Phazyonite
Rank Rank 7

Ancient Hair
You're up there. Among the few. Those that lived. Everyone Credit 5,400 Credits

enor pearl 30 Enor Pearl
orphazyonite 42 Phazyonite
Rank Rank 9

Venerable Elder
Venerable Elder Hair
Only through great age comes great wisdom. And wisdom tells you that your knees hurt. Everyone Credit 8,000 Credits

enor pearl 48 Enor Pearl
orphazyonite 64 Phazyonite
Rank Rank 10

Rosé [1]
Rosé Hair
Shiny and luxurious. Everyone Credit 11,000 Credits

orphazyonite 55 Phazyonite
Rank Rank 15

Ginger [2]
Ginger Hair
Classic Fiery Redhead. Everyone Credit 14,000 Credits

orphazyonite 70 Phazyonite
Rank Rank ??

Chromatic Wave Your beard shatters the light into its many colorful components. Everyone Credit 20,500 Credits

bismor 120 Bismor magnite 70 Magnite err 1 Error Cube
Rank Rank 25

Glow Worm Soot-blackened and crackling with red hot embers. Everyone Credit 20,500 Credits

magnite 150 Magnite enor pearl 55 Enor Pearl err 1 Error Cube
Rank Rank 25

Irradiated Ladened with gamma-emitting particles for that healthy, green glow. Everyone Credit 20,500 Credits

umanite 150 Umanite enor pearl 55 Enor Pearl err 1 Error Cube
Rank Rank 25

Bioluminescent Signs of life lurking in the lightless caverns. Everyone Credit 20,500 Credits

umanite 120 Umanite croppa 70 Croppa err 1 Error Cube
Rank Rank 25

Alien Blood Smattered with Glyhpid guts. The foul mark of a veteran dwarf. Everyone Credit 20,500 Credits

croppa 150 Croppa magnite 70 Magnite err 1 Error Cube
Rank Rank 25


Armors can equip various Armor Paintjobs.

Armor [Expand/Collapse]
Name Preview Description Availability Requirements
MK1 Drill Suit
MK1 Drill Suit
The baseline suit of any Driller. A true classic, and a mainstay of DRG since the inception. DrillerDriller Unlocked by Default
MK2 Drill Suit
MK2 Drill Suit
A sleek, modern design, incorporating many snazzy innovations according to the lads down in R&D. They're not saying what exactly, though. DrillerDriller Credit 420 Credits

orphazyonite 3 Phazyonite
Rank Rank 3

MK3 Drill Suit
MK3 Drill Suit
This no-frills version of the advanced MK3 line of armor. Cheap and light (comparatively speaking), this comfortable suit will provide a Driller wit all the protection he needs for most operations. Or so the blurb on the box says, anyway... DrillerDriller Credit 2,600 Credits

orphazyonite 13 Phazyonite
Rank Rank 7

MK4 Drill Suit
MK4 Drill Suit
Among the densest suits available in the DRG arsenal, the MK4 heavy Driller Suit leaves no questions as to what you're here for. This suit will withstand a thermonuclear blast, though it HAS been said to be slightly susceptible to liquids. Just bear that in mind. DrillerDriller Credit 8,600 Credits

enor pearl 40 Enor Pearl
orphazyonite 63 Phazyonite
Rank Rank 12

MK5 Drill Suit
MK5 Drill Suit
Another breakthrough from R&D. The MK5 Drill Suit is a masterpiece of engineering - the comfort of a leather armchair, wrapped in a titanium-alloy exoskeleton. DrillerDriller Credit 34,000 Credits

Magnite 110 Magnite
Croppa 90 Croppa
Umanite 120 Umanite
orphazyonite 330 Phazyonite
Rank Rank 16

Dark Future
D Dark Future
The latest in corporate fashion - aloof fear-factor and advanced ablative plating, all in one package. DrillerDriller Dark Future DLC
D Roughneck
The veteran roughnecks of DRG are known to care less for protection, and more for utility. Years of hard work in the mines make you that way - why wear heavy armor when YOU are the most dangerous thing down here by far? DrillerDriller Roughneck DLC
Dawn of the Dread
D Dawn of the Dread
They say that some miners get a little bit strange after a few years on Hoxxes. They say that some miners start taking bits and pieces of restricted material back onto the Space Rig after missions, crafting...something...from the parts of slain Glyphids. But that's all just rumors, surely? DrillerDriller Dawn of the Dread DLC
Streamsuit 5000
D Streamsuit 5000
The latest in on-location live streaming technology! 16 full megabytes of storage in the back-mounted data tapes! Stream in "real time" using the integrated 2400 bit/s wireless modem! And fashionable too! DrillerDriller Content Creator Partner DLC
Scale Brigade
D Scale Brigade
Spoken of with pride over foaming tankards of ale, the legend of the Scale Brigade continues to grow. With the incursions on Hoxxes growing bolder and bolder, it is only reasonable to see members of this legendary cadre show up here. DrillerDriller Obtained from Prestige Assignment Rank 100
Robot Rebellion
D Robot Rebellion
Crudely cobbled together during those long nights spent on the Space Rig waiting for the next engagement. The opposite of chic, perhaps, but eminently useful. DrillerDriller Robot Rebellion DLC
D Biohazard
125 pounds of industrial Plastorubber. Dress to impress in the finest hazmat suits R&D have ever produced, shielding you from the nastiest of airborne contaminants. DrillerDriller Biohazard DLC
LJ Armour Driller
Stay Lifejacket! Made from the air-sacs of a Naedocyte Breeder. DrillerDriller 2023 Space Beach Party event
MK1 Engineer Suit
MK1 Engineer Suit
The baseline suit of any Engineer. A true classic, and a mainstay of DRG since the inception. EngineerEngineer Unlocked by Default
MK2 Engineer Suit
MK2 Engineer Suit
A sleek, modern design, incorporating many snazzy innovations according to the lads down in R&D. They're not saying what exactly, though. EngineerEngineer Credit 420 Credits

orphazyonite 3 Phazyonite
Rank Rank 3

MK3 Engineer Suit
MK3 Engineer Suit
The MK3 line of mining gear is top of the line, and even this cut-down version offers several improvements over previous suits. It features heavy-duty powercells built straight into the plating, as well as handy pockets for snacks - not to mention an FM-radio in the collar. EngineerEngineer Credit 2,600 Credits

orphazyonite 13 Phazyonite
Rank Rank 7

MK4 Engineer Suit
MK4 Engineer Suit
A walking command center, the MK4 heavy Engineer Suit means you'll never lose reception again. It's loaded up with so much top-of-the-line tech most of the eggheads can't even name it all. EngineerEngineer Credit 8,600 Credits

magnite 40 Magnite
orphazyonite 63 Phazyonite
Rank Rank 12

MK5 Engineer Suit
MK5 Engineer Suit
Also known as "The Pincushion", the MK5 Engineer Suit is another technological marvel. It has more glowy and blinky bits than any other Engineer suit currently out there, and that's gotta be good. EngineerEngineer Credit 34,000 Credits

Enor Pearl 110 Enor Pearl
Bismor 90 Bismor
Jadiz 120 Jadiz
orphazyonite 330 Phazyonite
Rank Rank 16

Dark Future
E Dark Future
The latest in corporate fashion - aloof fear-factor and advanced ablative plating, all in one package. EngineerEngineer Dark Future DLC
E Roughneck
The veteran roughnecks of DRG are known to care less for protection, and more for utility. Years of hard work in the mines make you that way - why wear heavy armor when YOU are the most dangerous thing down here by far? EngineerEngineer Roughneck DLC
Dawn of the Dread
E Dawn of the Dread
They say that some miners get a little bit strange after a few years on Hoxxes. They say that some miners start taking bits and pieces of restricted material back onto the Space Rig after missions, crafting...something...from the parts of slain Glyphids. But that's all just rumors, surely? EngineerEngineer Dawn of the Dread DLC
Streamsuit 5000
E Streamsuit 5000
The latest in on-location live streaming technology! 16 full megabytes of storage in the back-mounted data tapes! Stream in "real time" using the integrated 2400 bit/s wireless modem! And fashionable too! EngineerEngineer Content Creator Partner DLC
Robot Rebellion
E Robot Rebellion
Crudely cobbled together during those long nights spent on the Space Rig waiting for the next engagement. The opposite of chic, perhaps, but eminently useful. EngineerEngineer Robot Rebellion DLC
E Biohazard
125 pounds of industrial Plastorubber. Dress to impress in the finest hazmat suits R&D have ever produced, shielding you from the nastiest of airborne contaminants. EngineerEngineer Biohazard DLC
LJ Armour Engineer
Stay Lifejacket! Made from the air-sacs of a Naedocyte Breeder. EngineerEngineer 2023 Space Beach Party event
Scale Brigade
E Scale Brigade
Spoken of with pride over foaming tankards of ale, the legend of the Scale Brigade continues to grow. With the incursions on Hoxxes growing bolder and bolder, it is only reasonable to see members of this legendary cadre show up here. EngineerEngineer Obtained from Prestige Assignment Rank 100
MK1 Gunner Suit
MK1 Gunner Suit
The baseline suit of any Gunner. A true classic, and a mainstay of DRG since the inception. GunnerGunner Unlocked by Default
MK2 Gunner Suit
MK2 Gunner Suit
A sleek, modern design, incorporating many snazzy innovations according to the lads down in R&D. They're not saying what exactly, though. GunnerGunner Credit 420 Credits

orphazyonite 3 Phazyonite
Rank Rank 3

MK3 Gunner Suit
MK3 Gunner Suit
The Gunner-Version of the MK3 suit incorporates several breakthrough technologies straight off the lines at R&D. Ablative kevlar-plating, zero-friction joints, the list goes on and the eggheads are frankly pretty proud of this one. GunnerGunner Credit 2,600 Credits

orphazyonite 13 Phazyonite
Rank Rank 7

MK4 Gunner Suit
MK4 Gunner Suit
"And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts. And I looked, and behold a pale horse. And his name that sat on him was death, and hell followed him." GunnerGunner Credit 8,600 Credits

umanite 40 Umanite
orphazyonite 63 Phazyonite
Rank Rank 12

MK5 Gunner Suit
MK5 Gunner Suit
The MK5 Gunner Suit bears several similarities to old-world tortoises, which is completely fitting. It is a suit for the discerning gunner, offering both protection, mobility, and handy guard rails for lesser dwarves to shiveringly cling on to while you lay down the law. GunnerGunner Credit34,000 Credits

Bismor 110 Bismor
Croppa 120 Croppa
Umanite 90 Umanite
orphazyonite 330 Phazyonite
Rank Rank 16

Dark Future
G Dark Future
The latest in corporate fashion - aloof fear-factor and advanced ablative plating, all in one package. GunnerGunner Dark Future DLC
G Roughneck
The veteran roughnecks of DRG are known to care less for protection, and more for utility. Years of hard work in the mines make you that way - why wear heavy armor when YOU are the most dangerous thing down here by far? GunnerGunner Roughneck DLC
Dawn of the Dread
G Dawn of the Dread
They say that some miners get a little bit strange after a few years on Hoxxes. They say that some miners start taking bits and pieces of restricted material back onto the Space Rig after missions, crafting...something...from the parts of slain Glyphids. But that's all just rumors, surely? GunnerGunner Dawn of the Dread DLC
Streamsuit 5000
G Streamsuit 5000
The latest in on-location live streaming technology! 16 full megabytes of storage in the back-mounted data tapes! Stream in "real time" using the integrated 2400 bit/s wireless modem! And fashionable too! GunnerGunner Content Creator Partner DLC
Scale Brigade
G Scale Brigade
Spoken of with pride over foaming tankards of ale, the legend of the Scale Brigade continues to grow. With the incursions on Hoxxes growing bolder and bolder, it is only reasonable to see members of this legendary cadre show up here. GunnerGunner Obtained from Prestige Assignment Rank 100
Robot Rebellion
G Robot Rebellion
Crudely cobbled together during those long nights spent on the Space Rig waiting for the next engagement. The opposite of chic, perhaps, but eminently useful. GunnerGunner Robot Rebellion DLC
G Biohazard
125 pounds of industrial Plastorubber. Dress to impress in the finest hazmat suits R&D have ever produced, shielding you from the nastiest of airborne contaminants. GunnerGunner Biohazard DLC
LJ Armour Gunner
Stay Lifejacket! Made from the air-sacs of a Naedocyte Breeder. GunnerGunner 2023 Space Beach Party event
MK1 Scout Suit
MK1 Scout Suit
The baseline suit of any Scout. A true classic, and a mainstay of DRG since the inception. ScoutScout Unlocked by Default
MK2 Scout Suit
MK2 Scout Suit
A sleek, modern design, incorporating many snazzy innovations according to the lads down in R&D. They're not saying what exactly, though. ScoutScout Credit 420 Credits

orphazyonite 23 Phazyonite
Rank Rank 3

MK3 Scout Suit
MK3 Scout Suit
Offering more armor at a significantly reduced weight while maintaining flexibility, this suit is superior to its predecessors in almost every single way. Plus, we've been told it looks swish as hell. ScoutScout Credit 2,600 Credits

orphazyonite 13 Phazyonite
Rank Rank 7

MK4 Scout Suit
MK4 Scout Suit
The Scout class isn't known for their heavy gear. But sometimes you do wanna dress for the job - especially if the job is facing down three 2-ton Dreadnoughts at close range. Stay safe. ScoutScout Credit 8,600 Credits

croppa 40 Croppa
orphazyonite 63 Phazyonite
Rank Rank 12

MK5 Scout Suit
MK5 Scout Suit
An old-world addage says to "Be Prepared" - and the MK5 Scout Suit does not disappoint. Kevlar-reinforced vest and harness, steel-clawed boots, handy flare-pockets - they even included an extra sandwich pouch! ScoutScout Credit 34,000 Credits

Enor Pearl 90 Enor Pearl
Bismor 120 Bismor
Jadiz 110 Jadiz
orphazyonite 330 Phazyonite
Rank Rank 16

Dark Future
S Dark Future
The latest in corporate fashion - aloof fear-factor and advanced ablative plating, all in one package. ScoutScout Dark Future DLC
S Roughneck
The veteran roughnecks of DRG are known to care less for protection, and more for utility. Years of hard work in the mines make you that way - why wear heavy armor when YOU are the most dangerous thing down here by far? ScoutScout Roughneck DLC
Dawn of the Dread
S Dawn of the Dread
They say that some miners get a little bit strange after a few years on Hoxxes. They say that some miners start taking bits and pieces of restricted material back onto the Space Rig after missions, crafting...something...from the parts of slain Glyphids. But that's all just rumors, surely? ScoutScout Dawn of the Dread DLC
Streamsuit 5000
S Streamsuit 5000
The latest in on-location live streaming technology! 16 full megabytes of storage in the back-mounted data tapes! Stream in "real time" using the integrated 2400 bit/s wireless modem! And fashionable too! ScoutScout Content Creator Partner DLC
Scale Brigade
S Scale Brigade
Spoken of with pride over foaming tankards of ale, the legend of the Scale Brigade continues to grow. With the incursions on Hoxxes growing bolder and bolder, it is only reasonable to see members of this legendary cadre show up here. ScoutScout Obtained from Prestige Assignment Rank 100
Robot Rebellion
S Robot Rebellion
Crudely cobbled together during those long nights spent on the Space Rig waiting for the next engagement. The opposite of chic, perhaps, but eminently useful. ScoutScout Robot Rebellion DLC
S Biohazard
125 pounds of industrial Plastorubber. Dress to impress in the finest hazmat suits R&D have ever produced, shielding you from the nastiest of airborne contaminants. ScoutScout Biohazard DLC
LJ Armour Scout
Stay Lifejacket! Made from the air-sacs of a Naedocyte Breeder. ScoutScout 2023 Space Beach Party event

Armor Gallery[]

Side by side base game armor comparisons.


Headwear [Expand/Collapse]
Name Preview Description Availability Requirements
A Clean Shave
Ruddy Skin A Clean Shave Fuzzy Slugs
Nothing! Everyone Credit 70 Credits

orphazyonite 1 Phazyonite

Does the job Everyone
(Gunner has this unlocked by default)
Credit 80 Credits

orphazyonite 1 Phazyonite

Cap - Bright Red
Cap - Bright Red
A bold fashion statement. Everyone Credit 100 Credits

orphazyonite 1 Phazyonite
Rank Rank 2

Cap - Gun Metal
Cap - Gun Metal
Sombre and intimidating. Everyone Credit 120 Credits

orphazyonite 1 Phazyonite
Rank Rank 2

Cap - Uniform
Cap - Uniform
For the professional. Matches your currently worn armor. Everyone Credit 180 Credits

orphazyonite 1 Phazyonite
Rank Rank 3

Industrial Goggles
Industrial Goggles
Handy for keeping shrapnel and offal out of your baby blues. Everyone Credit 90 Credits

orphazyonite 1 Phazyonite

Oktoberfest Fedora
Oktoberfest Fedora
The incomparable hat of legend, commemorating a holiday holding a very special place in the heart of most dwarves. Everyone
(Formerly was Limited time)
Credit 1,200 Credits

orphazyonite 6 Phazyonite

Pumpkin King
Pumpkin King
It's getting spoopy in here..! Everyone
(Limited time)
Halloween log-in reward (2021)

(Formerly was
Credit 1,400 Credits)

The Witching Hour
The Witching Hour
Smells faintly of pumpkin spice. Everyone
(Limited time)
Halloween log-in reward (2021)

(Formerly was
Credit 1 Credit)

Horned Horror
Horned Horror
Definitely not made to look like the president of DRG. Everyone
(Limited time)
Halloween log-in reward (2021)
Deep One Galactic
Deep One Galactic
Definitely not made to look like the vice president of DRG. Everyone
(Limited time)
Halloween log-in reward (2022)
Straight out of an OSHA infomercial. Everyone
(Limited time)
Halloween log-in reward (2022)
Hooded Monster
Hooded Monster
Almost as scary as what you encounter in the caves of Hoxxes on a daily basis Everyone
(Limited time)
Obtained from The Horrors of Hoxxes (2022)
Scary Rubber Mask
Scary Rubber Mask
Get back to work! Everyone
(Limited time)
Obtained from The Horrors of Hoxxes (2022)
Head Honcho
Head honcho
Worn by true company men, or just those with exceptional shouting and/or ordering capabilities. Everyone
(Limited time)
Credit 1 Credit
AR Headset
AR Headset
Long range communication capability and tactical heads-up display. Very cyber. Everyone
(Scout has this unlocked by default)
Credit 7,800 Credits

bismor 60 Bismor
orphazyonite 69 Phazyonite
Rank Rank 9

Classic Mining Helmet - Yellow
Classic Mining Helmet - Yellow
Some models just don't go out of style. Everyone Credit 240 Credits

orphazyonite 2 Phazyonite
Rank Rank 4

Goggle Cap - Bright Red
Goggle Cap - Bright Red
Stylish and practical! Everyone Credit 210 Credits

orphazyonite 2 Phazyonite
Rank Rank 4

Goggle Cap - Gun Metal
Goggle Cap - Gun Metal
Stylish and practical! Everyone Credit 230 Credits

orphazyonite 2 Phazyonite
Rank Rank 4

Goggle Cap - Uniform
Goggle Cap - Uniform
Stylish and practical! Styled to fit your armor. Everyone
(Engineer has this unlocked by default)
Credit 220 Credits

orphazyonite 2 Phazyonite
Rank Rank 5

Worthy of a King under the Mountain. Everyone Credit 22,000 Credits

magnite 160 Magnite
orphazyonite 190 Phazyonite
Rank Rank 13

Heavy Duty Mining Helmet
Heavy Duty Mining Helmet
Hardened glass goggles and reinforced steel. No one's gonna rock your noggin. Everyone
(Driller has this unlocked by default)
Credit 7,400 Credits

jadiz 40 Jadiz
orphazyonite 57 Phazyonite
Rank Rank 11

Long Mane
Long Mane
A beard for the back of your head! Everyone Credit 26,000 Credits

jadiz 120 Jadiz
orphazyonite 190 Phazyonite
Rank Rank 13

Skull Cap
Skull Cap
A no-nonsense, simple design. Everyone Credit 200 Credits

orphazyonite 1 Phazyonite
Rank Rank 3

Slit Helmet
Slit Helmet
Good protection, while still allowing the beard to breathe. Everyone Credit 32,000 Credits

croppa 80 Croppa
umanite 220 Umanite
orphazyonite 310 Phazyonite
Rank Rank 18

Classic Mining Helmet - Uniform
Classic Mining Helmet - Uniform
Some models just don't go out of style. Styled to match your armor. Everyone Credit 1,400 Credits

orphazyonite 7 Phazyonite
Rank Rank 6

Cowpoke - Brown
Cowpoke - Brown
A redblooded classic. Everyone Credit 14,600 Credits

bismor 180 Bismor
umanite 70 Umanite
orphazyonite198 Phazyonite
Rank Rank 16

Cowpoke - White
Cowpoke - White
Reeks of class. Or money. Either or, really. Everyone Credit 14,600 Credits

enor pearl 180 Enor Pearl
jadiz 70 Jadiz
orphazyonite 198 Phazyonite
Rank Rank 16

What time is it? It's Slayin' Time. Everyone Credit 2,400 Credits

orphazyonite 12 Phazyonite
RankRank 7

The Gamekeeper
The Gamekeeper
"Ah, go boil yer heads, both of yeh." Everyone Credit11,600 Credits

magnite 50 Magnite
enor pearl 12 Enor Pearl
orphazyonite 89 Phazyonite
Rank Rank 8

Corporate Marine
Corporate Marine
Grim and infamous along the Outer Rim. Everyone Credit 9,800 Credits

enor pearl 80 Enor Pearl
orphazyonite 89 Phazyonite
Rank Rank 11

The Ace of Spades
The Ace of Spades
In honor of a motoring head. Everyone Credit 38,000 Credits

jadiz 200 Jadiz
croppa 40 Croppa
enor pearl 180 Enor Pearl
orphazyonite 400 Phazyonite
Rank Rank 26

The Franklin
The Franklin
Exudes an intangible air of Liberty and Sass. Everyone Credit 2,800 Credits

orphazyonite 14 Phazyonite
Rank Rank 8

Yuletide Cap
Yuletide Cap
T'was the Night before Yuletide, and all through the Mine... Everyone
(Limited time)
Christmas log-in reward (2021)

(Formerly was
Credit 1,100 Credits)

Antler Cap
Antler Cap
Wearing this fanciful yule cap, there is no doubt at all you'll go down in history. Everyone
(Limited time)
Christmas log-in reward (2021)

(Formerly was
Credit 1 Credit)

Yuletide Sock
Yuletide Sock
Does this mean the wearer is a lump of coal? Everyone
(Limited time)
Christmas log-in reward (2021)
Frosty Top Hat
Frosty Top Hat
Something about this old top hat they found seems a bit off... Everyone
(Limited time)
Christmas log-in reward (2021)

(Formerly was
obtained from Yearly Performance Bonus (2020))

Stay Frosty
Stay Frosty
For all the jolly, happy souls out there. Everyone
(Limited time)
Christmas log-in reward (2021)

(Previously was
obtained from Yearly Performance Bonus (2020))

Bauble Head
Bauble Head
Who needs dignity when the mulled wine slows Everyone
(Limited time)
Obtained from Yearly Performance Bonus (2021)
Dwarves generally aren't much into trees. That is, until you cover it in gold and baubles! Everyone
(Limited time)
Obtained from Yearly Performance Bonus (2021)
Beanie - Green
Beanie - Green
It gets cold down there sometimes. Everyone Credit 2,200 Credits

orphazyonite 11 Phazyonite
Rank Rank 7

Beanie - Uniform
Beanie - Uniform
It gets cold down there sometimes. Styled to fit your armor. Everyone Credit 6,200 Credits

orphazyonite 31 Phazyonite
Rank Rank 9

Beanie - White
Beanie - White
It gets cold down there sometimes. Everyone Credit 2,200 Credits

orphazyonite 11 Phazyonite
Rank Rank 7

Beret - Red
Beret - Red
A reminder of your service. Everyone Credit 8,400 Credits

Umanite 30 Umanite
Magnite 50 Magnite
orphazyonite 82 Phazyonite
Rank Rank 10

Beret - Uniform
Beret - Uniform
A reminder of your service. Styled to fit your uniform. Everyone Credit 9,200 Credits

Bismor 60 Bismor
Jadiz 40 Jadiz
orphazyonite 96 Phazyonite
Rank Rank 12

Beret - White
Beret - White
A reminder of your service. Everyone Credit 8,400 Credits

Umanite 30 Umanite
Enor Pearl 50 Enor Pearl
orphazyonite 82 Phazyonite
Rank Rank 10

Evil Eye
Evil Eye
Dwarves don't use sights. But, a bit of AR overlay never hurt anyone. Well, not the ones using it anyway. It's another story for those it's aimed at. Everyone Credit 14,200 Credits

Croppa 90 Croppa
Enor Pearl 80 Enor Pearl
Jadiz 80 Jadiz
orphazyonite 196 Phazyonite
Rank Rank 15

Field Repairs: Eyepatch & Skullplate
Field Repairs Eyepatch & Skullplate
Dwarves are renowned for their thick skulls, among other things. But sometimes "unstoppable force meets unmovable object"... you know how the story goes. Everyone Credit 16,000 Credits

Croppa 120 Croppa
Enor Pearl 100 Enor Pearl
orphazyonite 190 Phazyonite
Rank Rank 14

Field Repairs: Goggles & Skullplate
Field Repairs Goggles & Skullplate
Dwarves are renowned for their thick skulls, among other things. But sometimes "unstoppable force meets unmovable object"... you know how the story goes. Everyone Credit 16,400 Credits

Umanite 170 Umanite
Jadiz 130 Jadiz
orphazyonite 232 Phazyonite
Rank Rank 17

Field Repairs: Nosebrace & Skullplate
Field Repairs Nosebrace & Skullplate
Dwarves are renowned for their thick skulls, among other things. But sometimes "unstoppable force meets unmovable object"... you know how the story goes. Everyone Credit 2,800 Credits

orphazyonite 14 Phazyonite
Rank Rank 8

Great Pappy's Doughboy
Great Pappy's Doughboy
Not all relics need be made of gold. This one's been in the clan for generations. Everyone Credit 24,000 Credits

Croppa 110 Croppa
Bismor 120 Bismor
Jadiz 220 Jadiz
orphazyonite 345 Phazyonite
Rank Rank 19

Heritage Miner
Heritage Miner
Evocative of a bygone age. Everyone Credit 28,000 Credits

Bismor 120 Bismor
Umanite 180 Umanite
Magnite 280 Magnite
orphazyonite 430 Phazyonite
Rank Rank 22

Night Vision Goggles
Night Vision Goggles
The catalogue made these look really cool. Regrettably, they don't work at all. But, they DO look cool. Everyone Credit 18,000 Credits

Umanite 190 Umanite
Magnite 160 Magnite
orphazyonite 265 Phazyonite
Rank Rank 21

Supercaliberballisticexplosialidocious! Everyone Credit 21,500 Credits

Bismor 210 Bismor
Enor Pearl 120 Enor Pearl
Jadiz 110 Jadiz
orphazyonite 328 Phazyonite
Rank Rank 25

Reclamator Helmet
Reclamator Helmet
"Lifeless eyes, black eyes, like a doll's eyes. When he comes at ya, doesn't seem to be livin'." The Reclamator helmet is a simple design that commands instant respect. Everyone Credit 22,000 Credits

Bismor 140 Bismor
Magnite 180 Magnite
orphazyonite 270 Phazyonite
RankRank 20

Box Fade
Box Fade
Iconic and bold. Usually found in the company of boomboxes. Everyone Credit 13,000 Credits

Bismor 150 Bismor
Croppa 110 Croppa
orphazyonite 195 Phazyonite
RankRank 15

Cropped Mohawk
Cropped Mohawk
Short and brash, this shows you mean business. Gunner
Other classes
Credit 175 Credits

orphazyonite 1 Phazyonite
Rank Rank 2
Credit 225 Credits orphazyonite 2 Phazyonite
Rank Rank 4

Flight Commander
Flight Commander
But why does it make you want to sup with camels? Everyone Credit 750 Credits

orphazyonite 4 Phazyonite
RankRank 5

Full Fro
Full Fro
It's a statement. And that statement is "cool". Everyone Credit 6,800 Credits

Croppa 40 Croppa
orphazyonite 54 Phazyonite
RankRank 9

Light Fro
Light Fro
For the cool cat on the go. Everyone Credit 190 Credits

orphazyonite 1 Phazyonite
RankRank 3

Massive Fro
Massive Fro
Looks cool and protects your head as well as any helmet? Everyone Credit 22,000 Credits

Bismor 60 Bismor
Umanite 150 Umanite
Magnite 220 Magnite
orphazyonite 325 Phazyonite
RankRank 24

Messy Mane
Messy Mane
Who needs showers anyway? Straight out of bed and straight to work! Everyone Credit 14,000 Credits

Croppa 160 Croppa
Jadiz 30 Jadiz
orphazyonite 165 Phazyonite
RankRank 14

You load sixteen tons, and what do you get? A nice hat, apparently. Everyone Credit 14,500 Credits

Bismor 130 Bismor
orphazyonite 138 Phazyonite
RankRank 13

Slick Investigator
Slick Investigator
Associated with high-strung yet entertaining personality type. Everyone Credit 2,300 Credits

Croppa 160 Croppa
Jadiz 30 Jadiz
orphazyonite 12 Phazyonite
RankRank 8

Space Force
Space Force
It is time for a new era of combat. The combat of SPACE! Everyone Credit 7,800 Credits

Jadiz 40 Jadiz
orphazyonite 59 Phazyonite
RankRank 10

Hardly the height of fashion, but still the sign of a powerful personality. Everyone Credit 19,500 Credits

Jadiz 60 Jadiz
Bismor 205 Bismor
Umanite 130 Umanite
orphazyonite 295 Phazyonite
RankRank 23

The Bulldog
The Bulldog
Breaking class barriers for hundreds of years, this classy piece feels just as home on a ruffian as on a gentleman. Given DRG's employee politics, the latter is more rare lately. Everyone Credit 8,800 Credits

Croppa 50 Croppa
Bismor 20 Bismor
orphazyonite 79 Phazyonite
RankRank 11

Top Knot
Top Knot
Usually seen in the company of tambourines. Everyone Credit 175 Credits

orphazyonite 1 Phazyonite
RankRank 3

It can get cold down there, after all. Everyone Credit 9,100 Credits

Croppa 26 Croppa
Jadiz 12 Jadiz
orphazyonite 65 Phazyonite
RankRank 8

Skeleton Crew
Skeleton Crew
Promoted as a breakthrough in wearable holographics, this helmet is only awarded to the most dedicated of DRG's employees. The Skeleton Crew - the Few, the Hardy, the Strong. Everyone Supporter Upgrade DLC
Dark Future - Heavy Configuration
Dark Future - Heavy Configuration
The latest in corporate fashion - aloof fear-factor and advanced ablative plating, all in one package. Everyone Dark Future DLC
Dark Future - Light Configuration
Dark Future - Light Configuration
The latest in corporate fashion - aloof fear-factor and advanced ablative plating, all in one package. Everyone Dark Future DLC
Roughneck Helmet
Roughneck Helmet
The veteran roughnecks of DRG are known to care less for protection, and more for utility. Years of hard work in the mines make you that way - why wear heavy armor when YOU are the most dangerous thing down here by far? Everyone Roughneck DLC
Roughneck Helmet - Space Rig 17
Roughneck Helmet - Space Rig 17
The veteran roughnecks of DRG are known to care less for protection, and more for utility. Years of hard work in the mines make you that way - why wear heavy armor when YOU are the most dangerous thing down here by far? Everyone Roughneck DLC
Heavy Duty Fixer
Heavy Duty Fixer
Keeps both your noggin an' peepers safe. Everyone Obtained from Prestige Assignment Rank 5
Bolted Marauder
Bolted Marauder
It might be historically incorrect, but as a trope it is hard to deny the inherent coolness. Everyone
(Limited time)
Automatically assigned to player inventories upon log-in during the Steam 2021 Award event.
Dawn Of The Dread - Full Cover
Dawn Of The Dread - Full Cover
They say that some miners get a little bit strange after a few years on Hoxxes. They say that some miners start taking bits and pieces of restricted material back onto the Space Rig after missions, crafting...something...from the parts of slain Glyphids. But that's all just rumors, surely? Everyone Dawn of the Dread DLC
Dawn Of The Dread - Skull Cap
Dawn Of The Dread - Skull Cap
They say that some miners get a little bit strange after a few years on Hoxxes. They say that some miners start taking bits and pieces of restricted material back onto the Space Rig after missions, crafting...something...from the parts of slain Glyphids. But that's all just rumors, surely? Everyone Dawn of the Dread DLC
Scale Brigade
Scale Brigade
Spoken of with pride over foaming tankards of ale, the legend of the Scale Brigade continues to grow. With the incursions on Hoxxes growing bolder and bolder, it is only reasonable to see members of this legendary cadre show up here. Everyone Obtained from Prestige Assignment Rank 100
Robot Rebellion
Robot Rebellion(Full)
Crudely cobbled together during those long nights spent on the Space Rig waiting for the next engagement. The opposite of chic, perhaps, but eminently useful. Everyone Robot Rebellion DLC
Robot Rebellion
Robot Rebellion(Half)
Crudely cobbled together during those long nights spent on the Space Rig waiting for the next engagement. The opposite of chic, perhaps, but eminently useful. Everyone Robot Rebellion DLC
Biohazard - Full Mask
Biohazard - Full Mask
125 pounds of industrial Plastorubber. Dress to impress in the finest hazmat suits R&D have ever produced, shielding you from the nastiest of airborne contaminants. Everyone Biohazard DLC
Biohazard - Light Configuration
Biohazard - Light Configuration
125 pounds of industrial Plastorubber. Dress to impress in the finest hazmat suits R&D have ever produced, shielding you from the nastiest of airborne contaminants. Everyone Biohazard DLC
Streamsuit 5000 Helmet
Streamsuit 5000 Helmet
Front mounted high definition 360p camera! Radical color scheme! The top of the line in modern streaming technology! Comes with an integrated headphone jack, AUX, and up to 25 minutes battery time on a full charge! Everyone Content Creator Partner DLC
Gloomstalker Mask MK1
Gloomstalker Mask Mk1
A highly advanced piece of kit, equipped with more tech than a small electronics store. The MK1 comes with no lower facial cover, perfect for showing off your beard. Everyone Obtained from Prestige Assignment Rank 40
Gloomstalker Mask MK2
Gloomstalker Mask Mk2
A highly advanced piece of kit, equipped with more tech than a small electronics store. The MK2 comes with a full gasmask, as handy on Hoxxes as in the locker room. Everyone Obtained from Prestige Assignment Rank 60
Gloomstalker Mask MK3
Gloomstalker Mask Mk3
A highly advanced piece of kit, equipped with more tech than a small electronics store. The MK3 comes with an extended communications array, enabling you to tell off your teammates from any range. Everyone Obtained from Prestige Assignment Rank 80
Party Hat - Year One
Party Hat - Year One
Happy birthday, DRG! A special memento for every employee present during the One Year In Orbit celebrations. Everyone
(Limited time)
Credit 1 Credit
Party Hat - Year Two
Party Hat - Year Two
Happy birthday, DRG! A special memento for every employee present during the Two Years In Orbit celebrations. Everyone
(Limited time)
Automatically assigned to player inventories upon log-in during the Anniv. event.
Award: Steamy Helmet
Award Steamy Helmet
Special Headwear for the Sept. 2019 Steam Free Weekend celebrations! Don't mind the condensation - it's good for your scalp! Everyone
(Limited time)
Credit 1 Credit
Party Hat - Year Three
Party Hat - Year Three
Happy birthday, DRG! A special memento for every employee present during the Three Years In Orbit celebrations. Everyone
(Limited time)
Automatically assigned to player inventories upon log-in during the Anniv. event.
Paper Crown
Paper Crown
Cheaply manufactured for mandatory party events. Everyone
(Limited time)
Obtained from the first mission of Anniversary Bonus (2022)
Party Hat - Year Four
Party Hat - Year Four
Happy birthday, DRG! A special memento for every employee present during the Four Years In Orbit celebrations. Everyone
(Limited time)
Obtained from Anniversary Bonus (2022)
Lunar Festival Widebrim
Lunar Festival Widebrim
In rememberance of the Last Known Survivors. They rose up to the challenge, for the thrill of the fight. Everyone
(Limited time)
Obtained from Lunar Convergence Cleanup (2022)
Great Egg Hunt - Bunny Bun Bun
Great Egg Hunt - Bunny Bun Bun
Nothing says macho like a couple of floppy earsie-wearsies and a cutie button nose. Everyone
(Limited time)
Obtained from The Great Egg Hunt (2022)
Great Egg Hunt - Sunny Side Up
Great Egg Hunt - Sunny Side Up
Hero in a half shell. Everyone
(Limited time)
Obtained from The Great Egg Hunt (2022)
It's plastic. For health and safety reasons. Everyone
(Limited time)
Obtained from Space Beach Party (2022)
Did you know a group of flamingos is called a 'flamboyance'? Everyone
(Limited time)
Obtained from Space Beach Party (2022)
What's on the tap? Everyone
(Limited time)
Obtained from Oktoberfest Celebration (2022)
No, it's not a green Sombrero Everyone
(Limited time)
Obtained from Oktoberfest Celebration (2022)
Born To Drill [1]
Born To Drill
You will speak only when spoken to! Everyone
Credit 8,000 Credits

orphazyonite 40 Phazyonite
Rank Rank 15

Outback Hunter [1]
Outback Hunter
That's not a knife... Everyone
Credit 8,000 Credits

orphazyonite 40 Phazyonite
Rank Rank 15

Floppy Cap [1]
Floppy Cap
Wind Chill? Yeah, it better! Everyone
Credit 7,500 Credits

orphazyonite 38 Phazyonite
Rank Rank 15

Shock Spike [1]
Shock Spike
Is it traditional and honorable? No. Is it striking? Certainly. Everyone
Credit 6,000 Credits

orphazyonite 30 Phazyonite
Rank Rank 15

Side Swept [1]
Side Swept
It's not a phase, mom. Everyone
Credit 6,000 Credits

orphazyonite 30 Phazyonite
Rank Rank 15

Furlined Ushanka [1]
Furlined Ushanka
Straight off the Glacial Strata border patrol. Everyone
Credit 8,600 Credits

orphazyonite 43 Phazyonite
Rank Rank 15

Strike Team Alpha [1]
Strike Team Alpha
Usually seen in company with battering rams. Everyone
Credit 11,000 Credits

orphazyonite 55 Phazyonite
Rank Rank 15

Welding Visor - Open [1]
Welding Visor - Open
Mind the flash! Everyone
Credit 6,000 Credits

orphazyonite 30 Phazyonite
Rank Rank 15

Barrister [2]
Credit 7,500 Credits

orphazyonite 38 Phazyonite
Rank Rank 16

Balaclava [2]
For extreme windchill use. Everyone
Credit 6,000 Credits

orphazyonite 30 Phazyonite
Rank Rank 16

Balaclava - Uniform [2]
Balaclava - Uniform
For extreme windchill use. Styled to fit your armor. Everyone
Credit 6,000 Credits

orphazyonite 30 Phazyonite
Rank Rank 16

Broken Hardhat [2]
Broken Hardhat
There's a reason we tell you to wear these things, you know? Everyone
Credit 6,000 Credits

orphazyonite 30 Phazyonite
Rank Rank 16

Broken Skull Hat [2]
Broken Skull Hat
But whose skull is it? Some things are better off unsaid. Everyone
Credit 8,000 Credits

orphazyonite 40 Phazyonite
Rank Rank 16

Thinning Combover [2]
Thinning Combover
It ain't much ain't much, no. Everyone
Credit 5,500 Credits

orphazyonite 28 Phazyonite
Rank Rank 16

Last Minute Repairs [2]
Last Minute Repairs
It's perfectly good still, just needs a little duct tape! Everyone
Credit 4,000 Credits

orphazyonite 20 Phazyonite
Rank Rank 16

Little Tam o' Shanter [2]
Little Tam o' Shanter
Only for honest men and bonny lasses. Everyone
Credit 5,000 Credits

orphazyonite 25 Phazyonite
Rank Rank ??

Monk [2]
One step closer to that beer in the cellar - now you just need to don a robe and learn how to write. Everyone
Credit 6,000 Credits

orphazyonite 30 Phazyonite
Rank Rank 16

Shy [2]
Big booms and big bangs go together well. Everyone
Credit 6,000 Credits

orphazyonite 30 Phazyonite
Rank Rank 16

Thermal Insulation [2]
Thermal Insulation
Colder and colder. Everyone
Credit 5,000 Credits

orphazyonite 25 Phazyonite
Rank Rank 16

Tumbleweed [2]
One single gust of wind, and the whole thing unravels Everyone
Credit 3,000 Credits

orphazyonite 15 Phazyonite
Rank Rank 16


Eyebrows [Expand/Collapse]
Name Preview Description Availability Requirements
Fuzzy Slugs
Ruddy Skin A Clean Shave Fuzzy Slugs
Thick and imposing, just like mama. Everyone Unlocked by default.
Merry Curvy
Merry Curvy
For those with a cheery disposition. Everyone Credit 410 Credits

orphazyonite 3 Phazyonite
Rank Rank 8

Monstrous Thick
Monstrous Thick
Like two secondary beards for your eyes. Everyone Credit 6,200 Credits

orphazyonite 31 Phazyonite
Rank Rank 10

Thin, refined, not elven at all. Everyone Credit 120 Credits

orphazyonite 1 Phazyonite
Rank Rank 4

Voluminous Philosopher
Voluminous philosopher
Perfect for naps in the shade. Everyone Credit 550 Credits

orphazyonite 3 Phazyonite
Rank Rank 8

Don't worry young man. Be happy. Everyone Credit 125 Credits

orphazyonite 1 Phazyonite
Rank Rank 4

Extreme Protuberance
Extreme protuberance
Inconceivable! Everyone Credit 6,550 Credits

orphazyonite 33 Phazyonite
Rank Rank 13


Moustache [Expand/Collapse]
Name Preview Description Availability Requirements
A Clean Shave
Ruddy Skin A Clean Shave Fuzzy Slugs
Nothing! Everyone
(Gunner and Driller have this unlocked by default)
Credit 160 Credits

orphazyonite 1 Phazyonite
Rank Rank 4

Dignified. Classic. The look of a refined soul. Everyone Credit 180 Credits

orphazyonite 1 Phazyonite
Rank Rank 2

Elegant Handlebar
Elegant Handlebar
Ain't no man can take from you what's yours. Everyone Credit 60 Credits

orphazyonite 1 Phazyonite

"I fear no Man, no Beast or Evil, brothers." Everyone Credit 6,800 Credits

enor pearl 25 Enor Pearl
orphazyonite 47 Phazyonite
Rank Rank 9

Mighty Walrus
Mighty Walrus
Just magnificent Everyone
(Engineer and Scout have this unlocked by default)
Credit 250 Credits

orphazyonite 2 Phazyonite
Rank Rank 4

Droopy Prospector
Droopy Prospector
A thoughtful and wise look for the discerning miner. Everyone Credit 2,600 Credits

enor pearl 32 Enor Pearl
orphazyonite 29 Phazyonite
Rank Rank 7

Epic Handlebar
Epic Handlebar
It doesn't get much more magnificent than this. Everyone Credit 8,400 Credits

bismor 40 Bismor
orphazyonite 62 Phazyonite
Rank Rank 11

The Swanson
The Swanson
A classic display of subtle, raw power. Everyone Credit 280 Credits

orphazyonite 2 Phazyonite
Rank Rank 3

Frizzy Handlebar
Frizzy handlebar
For some reason, you have an urge to dream up maniac machines and colorful contraptions. Everyone Credit 250 Credits

orphazyonite 2 Phazyonite
Rank Rank 5

Droopy Crest
Droopy crest
Worthy of a statesman. Everyone Credit 940 Credits

orphazyonite 5 Phazyonite
Rank Rank 6

The Watson
The watson
A historical icon. Harrumphing required. Everyone Credit 221 Credits

orphazyonite 2 Phazyonite
Rank Rank 2

The Optimist
The optimist
Do you feel that? The manic giggle building, deep in your stomach? It must be let free-hee-hee-hee! Everyone Credit 12,000 Credits

croppa 105 Croppa orphazyonite 113 Phazyonite
Rank Rank 13

Little Pointy [1]
Little Pointy
Sometimes it's all you need. Everyone Credit 2,000 Credits

orphazyonite 10 Phazyonite
Rank Rank 15

The Salvador [2]
The Salvador
The one thing the world will never have enough of is outrageous. Everyone
Credit 3,500 Credits

orphazyonite 18 Phazyonite
Rank Rank ??

The Harrumph [2]
The Harrumph
Now if only you could find your pipe. Everyone
Credit 2,000 Credits

orphazyonite 10 Phazyonite
Rank Rank ??


Beard [Expand/Collapse]
Name Preview Description Availability Requirements
A Clean Shave
Ruddy Skin A Clean Shave Fuzzy Slugs
Nothing! Everyone
(Gunner and Driller have this unlocked by default)
Credit 60 Credits

orphazyonite 1 Phazyonite

Pointed Goatee
Pointed Goatee
As made famous by men in top hats or wearing horns. Everyone Credit 9,600 Credits

magnite 80 Magnite
orphazyonite 80 Phazyonite
Rank Rank 12

2 starlings and a surly crow nest in there. Everyone Credit 120 Credits

orphazyonite 1 Phazyonite
Rank Rank 3

Carved with a chisel rather than a razor. Everyone Credit 2,600 Credits

orphazyonite 13 Phazyonite
Rank Rank 6

Massive Chinstrap
Massive Chinstrap
Volume to die for. Everyone
(Engineer and Scout have this unlocked by default)
Credit 220 Credits

orphazyonite 2 Phazyonite
Rank Rank 4

Bulbous Full
Bulbous Full
For sheer volume, this one is hard to beat. Everyone Credit 1,600 Credits

orphazyonite 8 Phazyonite
Rank Rank 8

Dignified Elder
Dignified Elder
It takes a lot of effort to look this good. Everyone Credit 8,200 Credits

enor pearl 50 Enor Pearl
orphazyonite 66 Phazyonite
Rank Rank 10

Bulbous Upturn
Bulbous upturn
A merry beard for merry dwarves! Everyone Credit 150 Credits

orphazyonite 1 Phazyonite
Rank Rank 3

Hardworn Scraggler
Hardworn scraggler
Wild growth, the smell of chewing tobacco, and the sound of heavy machinery in the background. This is a beard for the working dwarf. Everyone Credit 130 Credits

orphazyonite 1 Phazyonite
Rank Rank 3

Tremendous Wave
Tremendous wave
No need for jewelry or other embellishments on this simply glorious beard. Just look at it! Everyone Credit 21,000 Credits

croppa 135 Croppa
jadiz 80 Jadiz
orphazyonite 213 Phazyonite
Rank Rank 14

Mighty Squared [1]
Mighty Squared
A distinctive look for the distinguished dwarf. Everyone Credit 4,000 Credits

orphazyonite 20 Phazyonite
Rank Rank 15

Mighty Split [1]
Mighty Split
It can go either way, really. Everyone Credit 5,000 Credits

orphazyonite 25 Phazyonite
Rank Rank 15

Paintbrush [2]
Decidedly rascally. The beard of a villainous cad. Everyone
Credit 3,500 Credits

orphazyonite 18 Phazyonite
Rank Rank ##

Tightly Wound [2]
Tightly Wound
For when your unruly beard got stuck in the loading breech just once too often. Everyone
Credit 4,000 Credits

orphazyonite 20 Phazyonite
Rank Rank ##

Flowing Fork [2]
Flowing Fork
A refined beard for the elder dwarf. Conveys nobility while still being capable of concealing up to six pounds of snacks. Everyone
Credit 2,000 Credits

orphazyonite 10 Phazyonite
Rank Rank ##


Sideburns [Expand/Collapse]
Name Preview Description Availability Requirements
A Clean Shave
Ruddy Skin A Clean Shave Fuzzy Slugs
Nothing! Everyone
(Engineer, Driller and Scout have this unlocked by default)
Credit 60 Credits

orphazyonite 1 Phazyonite

Cropped Authoritarian
Cropped Authoritarian
If sideburns could talk, these would tell you to stand up straight. Everyone
(Gunner has this unlocked by default)
Credit 260 Credits

orphazyonite 2 Phazyonite
Rank Rank 3

Long Droopy
Long Droopy
Basically half a beard on their own Everyone Credit 1,200 Credits

orphazyonite 6 Phazyonite

Mighty Muttonchops
Mighty Muttonchops
A classic going back centuries Everyone Credit 6,500 Credits

orphazyonite 33 Phazyonite

Collected Lawmaker
Collected Lawmaker
Wear these and feel the respect of your peers. Everyone Credit 280 Credits

orphazyonite 2 Phazyonite
Rank Rank 4

Frazzled Crest
Frazzled Crest
For that wise-yet-rambling look. Everyone Credit 275 Credits

orphazyonite 2 Phazyonite
Rank Rank 5

Trim Doubledecker
Trim Doubledecker
An eccentric look, to be sure. But such craftsmanship...! Everyone Credit 240 Credits

orphazyonite 2 Phazyonite
Rank Rank 3

Matrix Core Cosmetics[]

Matrix Core Cosmetics

Introduced in Update 25: Endgame - Part 1, Matrix Core Cosmetics are infused matrix cores that can be crafted at the The Forge to unlock special cosmetics. They can be weapons paintjob, victory moves, head-wear, beard, moustache, and sideburn cosmetics. Matrix Core cosmetics can be unlocked from weekly Deep Dives, with one being rewarded per variant, per week. They can also be unlocked from the Weekly Core Hunts and Forge Mastery rewards. A Matrix CoreBlank Matrix Core can also be converted during a Machine Events. Weapon Frameworks cosmetics can be obtained from Cargo Crates.

There 24 weapons paintjobs, 9 Victory Moves, and 84 Character Cosmetics per class to unlock from matrix cores.

Character Cosmetics[]

There are four types of matrix core cosmetics: head-wear, beards, moustaches, and sideburns. Some of the beards have different versions of the beard: normal, armored, and gilded.

Headwear [Expand/Collapse]
  Crafting Cost
Name Preview Description Driller Engineer Gunner Scout
Biker Helmet [2]
Biker Helmet
Perfect for faceplanting from 50 feet up. Credit ???? Credits

croppa ??? Croppa
enor pearl ??? Enor Pearl
magnite ??? Magnite

Credit ???? Credits

umanite ??? Umanite
magnite ??? Magnite
bismor ??? Bismor

Credit ???? Credits

umanite ??? Umanite
magnite ??? Magnite
bismor ??? Bismor

Credit ???? Credits

umanite ??? Umanite
jadiz ??? Jadiz
croppa ??? Croppa

Cyborg Eye [2]
Cyborg Eye
Our droids are decent medics, but they're not miracle workers. Credit ???? Credits

croppa ??? Croppa
enor pearl ??? Enor Pearl
magnite ??? Magnite

Credit ???? Credits

umanite ??? Umanite
magnite ??? Magnite
bismor ??? Bismor

Credit ???? Credits

umanite ??? Umanite
magnite ??? Magnite
bismor ??? Bismor

Credit 8450 Credits

magnite 140 Magnite
jadiz 50 Jadiz
umanite 95 Umanite

First Blood
First Blood
It is time. Time for extreme violence. Credit 6800 Credits

croppa 100 Croppa
enor pearl 145 Enor Pearl
magnite 40 Magnite

Credit 7750 Credits

umanite 100 Umanite
magnite 145 Magnite
bismor 50 Bismor

Credit 6650 Credits

umanite 160 Umanite
magnite 45 Magnite
bismor 95 Bismor

Credit 8700 Credits

umanite 155 Umanite
jadiz 45 Jadiz
croppa 95 Croppa

Forehead Goggles [1]
Forehead Goggles
Even a professional needs a clear view once in a while. Credit 6100 Credits

magnite 140 Magnite
bismor 50 Bismor
umanite 95 Umanite

Credit 6050 Credits

jadiz 140 Jadiz
enor pearl 40 Enor Pearl
magnite 90 Magnite

Credit 8300 Credits

croppa 160 Croppa
jadiz 50 Jadiz
magnite 90 Magnite

Credit 7200 Credits

bismor 145 Bismor
umanite 45 Umanite
jadiz 95 Jadiz

Full Headwrap
Full Headwrap
Lets the frugal dwarf weather even the harshest sandstorm or blizzard. Credit 18000 Credits

jadiz 90 Jadiz
croppa 140 Croppa
bismor 185 Bismor

Credit 19350 Credits

umanite 125 Umanite
croppa 185 Croppa
bismor 80 Bismor

Credit 21850 Credits

umanite 210 Umanite
enor pearl 80 Enor Pearl
bismor 140 Bismor

Credit 20850 Credits

jadiz 80 Jadiz
croppa 160 Croppa
enor pearl 205 Enor Pearl

Geek Chic [1]
Geek Chic
Perfect for conducting late night experiments. Preferably with live arcs of electricity. Credit 6850 Credits

magnite 140 Magnite
croppa 50 Croppa
bismor 95 Bismor

Credit 6600 Credits

croppa 160 Croppa
bismor 60 Bismor
umanite 100 Umanite

Credit 7050 Credits

bismor 140 Bismor
magnite 50 Magnite
croppa 100 Croppa

Credit 8750 Credits

umanite 140 Umanite
enor pearl 40 Enor Pearl
magnite 80 Magnite

Gem-Studded Headcover [1]
Gem-Studded Headcover
Certainly not made from bits and pieces found behind the Mineral Exchange. Credit 6950 Credits

magnite 140 Magnite
umanite 50 Umanite
jadiz 85 Jadiz

Credit 6350 Credits

umanite 155 Umanite
croppa 50 Croppa
magnite 80 Magnite

Credit 8000 Credits

croppa 160 Croppa
bismor 40 Bismor
enor pearl 100 Enor Pearl

Credit 8850 Credits

umanite 145 Umanite
jadiz 45 Jadiz
magnite 90 Magnite

Goggled Headwrap
Goggled Headwrap
And you can even store a sandwich inside! Credit 8750 Credits

umanite 155 Umanite
enor pearl 50 Enor Pearl
magnite 85 Magnite

Credit 8000 Credits

umanite 150 Umanite
croppa 85 Croppa
enor pearl 55 Enor Pearl

Credit 6150 Credits

umanite 95 Umanite
croppa 155 Croppa
enor pearl 45 Enor Pearl

Credit 6600 Credits

enor pearl 100 Enor Pearl
magnite 45 Magnite
bismor 140 Bismor

Grim Specter - Full Face
Grim Specter - Full Face
A most imposing visage. Credit 18150 Credits

jadiz 150 Jadiz
bismor 85 Bismor
umanite 190 Umanite

Credit 20550 Credits

umanite 130 Umanite
enor pearl 85 Enor Pearl
magnite 185 Magnite

Credit 20500 Credits

umanite 155 Umanite
bismor 85 Bismor
magnite 180 Magnite

Credit 19400 Credits

umanite 140 Umanite
enor pearl 90 Enor Pearl
jadiz 180 Jadiz

Grim Specter - Half Face
Grim Specter - Half Face
A most imposing visage. Credit 7850 Credits

magnite 145 Magnite
jadiz 45 Jadiz
croppa 85 Croppa

Credit 7350 Credits

jadiz 160 Jadiz
bismor 50 Bismor
magnite 90 Magnite

Credit 6850 Credits

bismor 140 Bismor
croppa 45 Croppa
umanite 100 Umanite

Credit 7000 Credits

enor pearl 145 Enor Pearl
croppa 50 Croppa
bismor 80 Bismor

Don't let the heat get to you. Credit 6850 Credits

umanite 150 Umanite
jadiz 50 Jadiz
croppa 90 Croppa

Credit 7100 Credits

croppa 50 Croppa
magnite 90 Magnite
bismor 145 Bismor

Credit 7000 Credits

umanite 50 Umanite
enor pearl 85 Enor Pearl
magnite 150 Magnite

Credit 7700 Credits

umanite 100 Umanite
jadiz 40 Jadiz
enor pearl 150 Enor Pearl

Hex Helmet [2]
Hex Helmet
In the future, everything will be hexes. Credit ???? Credits

croppa ??? Croppa
enor pearl ??? Enor Pearl
magnite ??? Magnite

Credit ???? Credits

umanite ??? Umanite
magnite ??? Magnite
bismor ??? Bismor

Credit ???? Credits

umanite ??? Umanite
magnite ??? Magnite
bismor ??? Bismor

Credit ???? Credits

umanite ??? Umanite
jadiz ??? Jadiz
croppa ??? Croppa

Iron Cyclops
Iron Cyclops
One big tech eye sees everything! Credit 7400 Credits

croppa 150 Croppa
umanite 40 Umanite
jadiz 95 Jadiz

Credit 6400 Credits

croppa 145 Croppa
enor pearl 55 Enor Pearl
jadiz 80 Jadiz

Credit 7950 Credits

bismor 140 Bismor
croppa 45 Croppa
umanite 95 Umanite

Credit 6450 Credits

bismor 145 Bismor
enor pearl 50 Enor Pearl
magnite 80 Magnite

Shock Trooper [1]
Shock Trooper
Perfect for that "faceless corpo goon" aesthetic. Credit 8950 Credits

croppa 150 Croppa
enor pearl 45 Enor Pearl
umanite 95 Umanite

Credit 7850 Credits

bismor 160 Bismor
jadiz 50 Jadiz
magnite 100 Magnite

Credit 6400 Credits

enor pearl 140 Enor Pearl
magnite 55 Magnite
jadiz 95 Jadiz

Credit 8250 Credits

bismor 150 Bismor
croppa 40 Croppa
umanite 85 Umanite

Ski Mask [2]
Ski Mask
Management requests that employees only wear this on missions, and to refrain from making up "pranks" using it. Credit ???? Credits

croppa ??? Croppa
enor pearl ??? Enor Pearl
magnite ??? Magnite

Credit ???? Credits

umanite ??? Umanite
magnite ??? Magnite
bismor ??? Bismor

Credit ???? Credits

umanite ??? Umanite
magnite ??? Magnite
bismor ??? Bismor

Credit ???? Credits

umanite ??? Umanite
jadiz ??? Jadiz
croppa ??? Croppa

Space Biker [1]
Space Biker
Ain't no hogs to rev out here - maybe you can get creative with a Praetorian... Credit 7350 Credits

umanite 145 Umanite
enor pearl 55 Enor Pearl
jadiz 95 Jadiz

Credit 6400 Credits

croppa 150 Croppa
magnite 40 Magnite
bismor 85 Bismor

Credit 6100 Credits

bismor 155 Bismor
magnite 45 Magnite
umanite 95 Umanite

Credit 6550 Credits

magnite 140 Magnite
bismor 45 Bismor
jadiz 95 Jadiz

Spiked Mohawk
Spiked Mohawk
Punk ain't dead. Credit 19200 Credits

jadiz 120 Jadiz
croppa 215 Croppa
magnite 85 Magnite

Credit 21350 Credits

umanite 210 Umanite
jadiz 160 Jadiz
croppa 90 Croppa

Credit 21100 Credits

umanite 150 Umanite
enor pearl 200 Enor Pearl
bismor 80 Bismor

Credit 21750 Credits

croppa 120 Croppa
enor pearl 180 Enor Pearl
magnite 85 Magnite

Tech Eye [1]
Tech Eye
Now you see me - now you still see me. It's infrared, you see. Credit 7300 Credits

umanite 160 Umanite
jadiz 55 Jadiz
croppa 80 Croppa

Credit 6800 Credits

croppa 155 Croppa
magnite 45 Magnite
enor pearl 90 Enor Pearl

Credit 6750 Credits

umanite 155 Umanite
enor pearl 50 Enor Pearl
bismor 95 Bismor

Credit 6300 Credits

umanite 145 Umanite
bismor 60 Bismor
enor pearl 85 Enor Pearl

Tech Trooper [1]
Tech Trooper
Comes equipped with fashionable face grille and vocoder. Credit 6250 Credits

bismor 140 Bismor
umanite 40 Umanite
jadiz 85 Jadiz

Credit 6200 Credits

bismor 160 Bismor
jadiz 55 Jadiz
croppa 90 Croppa

Credit 7550 Credits

enor pearl 155 Enor Pearl
magnite 60 Magnite
jadiz 95 Jadiz

Credit 7800 Credits

umanite 145 Umanite
jadiz 45 Jadiz
bismor 80 Bismor

Techy Hard Hat
Techy Hard Hat
Mission Control needs his eyes and ears on the ground, after all. Credit 8650 Credits

bismor 150 Bismor
jadiz 60 Jadiz
croppa 95 Croppa

Credit 6600 Credits

umanite 145 Umanite
magnite 55 Magnite
jadiz 95 Jadiz

Credit 7050 Credits

umanite 155 Umanite
enor pearl 50 Enor Pearl
jadiz 85 Jadiz

Credit 7800 Credits

bismor 150 Bismor
magnite 45 Magnite
jadiz 95 Jadiz

Moustache [Expand/Collapse]
  Crafting Cost
Name Preview Description Driller Engineer Gunner Scout
Bangled Braids
Bangled Braids
Mum left you those bangles. And by gum, you are going to wear them! Credit 6250 Credits

bismor 140 Bismor
magnite 60 Magnite
enor pearl 80 Enor Pearl

Credit 7150 Credits

magnite 160 Magnite
umanite 55 Umanite
enor pearl 95 Enor Pearl

Credit 7850 Credits

bismor 145 Bismor
enor pearl 45 Enor Pearl
croppa 100 Croppa

Credit 8250 Credits

bismor 160 Bismor
croppa 45 Croppa
umanite 100 Umanite

Big Ol' Swirls [1]
Big Ol' Swirls
Somebody spends too long in front of the mirror. Credit 8850 Credits

bismor 145 Bismor
enor pearl 50 Enor Pearl
croppa 85 Croppa

Credit 8800 Credits

bismor 145 Bismor
umanite 55 Umanite
croppa 95 Croppa

Credit 8950 Credits

croppa 140 Croppa
magnite 55 Magnite
bismor 90 Bismor

Credit 8300 Credits

magnite 140 Magnite
umanite 50 Umanite
bismor 95 Bismor

Bound Braids
Bound Braids
A timeless classic for the full-moustachioed gentleman. Credit 8650 Credits

bismor 140 Bismor
enor pearl 45 Enor Pearl
jadiz 100 Jadiz

Credit 8500 Credits

jadiz 155 Jadiz
umanite 45 Umanite
magnite 95 Magnite

Credit 6300 Credits

umanite 160 Umanite
magnite 50 Magnite
enor pearl 95 Enor Pearl

Credit 7250 Credits

jadiz 155 Jadiz
bismor 60 Bismor
magnite 95 Magnite

Braided Boldness [1]
Braided Boldness
Subtle, yet stylish. No fuzz, no muzz. Credit 7450 Credits

magnite 145 Magnite
jadiz 40 Jadiz
enor pearl 90 Enor Pearl

Credit 7750 Credits

umanite 140 Umanite
bismor 55 Bismor
enor pearl 80 Enor Pearl

Credit 7400 Credits

umanite 145 Umanite
bismor 45 Bismor
magnite 95 Magnite

Credit 7650 Credits

magnite 150 Magnite
croppa 60 Croppa
jadiz 80 Jadiz

Bushy Goodguy
Bushy Good Guy
Lots of huffing and puffing is required to wear this one. Credit 4900 Credits

umanite 70 Umanite
croppa 35 Croppa

Credit 4800 Credits

bismor 60 Bismor
jadiz 30 Jadiz

Credit 4350 Credits

bismor 75 Bismor
jadiz 30 Jadiz

Credit 4800 Credits

enor pearl 60 Enor Pearl
croppa 30 Croppa

Crescent Moon
Crescent Moon
Bask in the radiance. Credit 4500 Credits

magnite 35 Magnite
bismor 60 Bismor

Credit 4350 Credits

jadiz 35 Jadiz
bismor 70 Bismor

Credit 4950 Credits

umanite 70 Umanite
magnite 35 Magnite

Credit 4150 Credits

enor pearl 70 Enor Pearl
bismor 30 Bismor

Curly Optimist
Curly Optimist
For when every day is just topsy-turvy! Credit 8500 Credits

jadiz 155 Jadiz
umanite 50 Umanite
magnite 100 Magnite

Credit 6350 Credits

umanite 140 Umanite
enor pearl 45 Enor Pearl
magnite 100 Magnite

Credit 8900 Credits

bismor 150 Bismor
magnite 60 Magnite
enor pearl 95 Enor Pearl

Credit 7000 Credits

croppa 145 Croppa
umanite 60 Umanite
bismor 95 Bismor

Dandy Handlebar
Dandy Handlebar
What ho, old sport? A good choice for the discerning dwarf. Credit 5000 Credits

umanite 80 Umanite
jadiz 35 Jadiz

Credit 4100 Credits

magnite 75 Magnite
enor pearl 35 Enor Pearl

Credit 4100 Credits

bismor 75 Bismor
enor pearl 25 Enor Pearl

Credit 4850 Credits

jadiz 65 Jadiz
enor pearl 30 Enor Pearl

Exquisite Handlebar
Exquisite Handlebar
Dapper! For those long, philosophical evenings of discussing the proper use of elf ears in everyday life. Credit 4650 Credits

croppa 80 Croppa
jadiz 25 Jadiz

Credit 4500 Credits

umanite 70 Umanite
enor pearl 30 Enor Pearl

Credit 4800 Credits

jadiz 65 Jadiz
magnite 30 Magnite

Credit 4950 Credits

croppa 65 Croppa
magnite 30 Magnite

A no-nonsense moustache for a no-nonsense dwarf. Credit 4050 Credits

jadiz 65 Jadiz
umanite 30 Umanite

Credit 4200 Credits

enor pearl 75 Enor Pearl
croppa 30 Croppa

Credit 4600 Credits

bismor 65 Bismor
croppa 30 Croppa

Credit 4050 Credits

jadiz 80 Jadiz
enor pearl 30 Enor Pearl

Magnificent Raider
Magnificent Raider
Bushy and fierce - bound to strike terror into the hearts of anyone in your path! Credit 7800 Credits

bismor 150 Bismor
enor pearl 60 Enor Pearl
magnite 85 Magnite

Credit 6700 Credits

jadiz 150 Jadiz
enor pearl 50 Enor Pearl
croppa 95 Croppa

Credit 8850 Credits

magnite 160 Magnite
jadiz 45 Jadiz
bismor 85 Bismor

Credit 6100 Credits

bismor 155 Bismor
magnite 40 Magnite
croppa 100 Croppa

For some reason, this one makes you yearn for wearing denim...? Credit 4100 Credits

jadiz 65 Jadiz
umanite 30 Umanite

Credit 4300 Credits

bismor 75 Bismor
jadiz 30 Jadiz

Credit 4800 Credits

enor pearl 60 Enor Pearl
bismor 25 Bismor

Credit 4100 Credits

jadiz 80 Jadiz
bismor 25 Bismor

Spiky Neurotic
Spiky Neurotic
I think that's enough coffee for one day. Credit 4850 Credits

croppa 70 Croppa
magnite 35 Magnite

Credit 4250 Credits

bismor 80 Bismor
jadiz 35 Jadiz

Credit 4500 Credits

magnite 80 Magnite
jadiz 30 Jadiz

Credit 4700 Credits

croppa 65 Croppa
umanite 30 Umanite

Swirly Droop [2]
Swirly Droop
Extra curly and luxurious. Credit ???? Credits

croppa ??? Croppa
enor pearl ??? Enor Pearl
magnite ??? Magnite

Credit ???? Credits

umanite ??? Umanite
magnite ??? Magnite
bismor ??? Bismor

Credit ???? Credits

umanite ??? Umanite
magnite ??? Magnite
bismor ??? Bismor

Credit ???? Credits

umanite ??? Umanite
jadiz ??? Jadiz
croppa ??? Croppa

Beard [Expand/Collapse]
  Crafting Cost
Name Preview Description Driller Engineer Gunner Scout
Bound Goatee
Bound Goatee
The choice of a pragmatist. Credit 4150 Credits

croppa 75 Croppa
bismor 30 Bismor

Credit 4100 Credits

croppa 65 Croppa
umanite 30 Umanite

Credit 4350 Credits

umanite 80 Umanite
jadiz 35 Jadiz

Credit 4800 Credits

croppa 75 Croppa
umanite 25 Umanite

Bound Goatee - Armored
Bound Goatee - Armored
The choice of a pragmatist. Credit 5000 Credits

croppa 75 Croppa
enor pearl 30 Enor Pearl

Credit 4150 Credits

umanite 65 Umanite
jadiz 35 Jadiz

Credit 4650 Credits

enor pearl 65 Enor Pearl
magnite 25 Magnite

Credit 4050 Credits

jadiz 80 Jadiz
croppa 25 Croppa

Bound Goatee - Gilded
Bound Goatee - Gilded
The choice of a pragmatist. Credit 7600 Credits

enor pearl 145 Enor Pearl
bismor 50 Bismor
jadiz 95 Jadiz

Credit 6800 Credits

enor pearl 145 Enor Pearl
bismor 50 Bismor
croppa 90 Croppa

Credit 6850 Credits

magnite 150 Magnite
croppa 40 Croppa
umanite 90 Umanite

Credit 8750 Credits

bismor 145 Bismor
enor pearl 55 Enor Pearl
umanite 90 Umanite

Bound Unicord
Bound Unicord
You want a big beard, but you also want it to be less obstructive? Bind it! Credit 4350 Credits

croppa 25 Croppa
bismor 65 Bismor

Credit 4800 Credits

umanite 80 Umanite
bismor 30 Bismor

Credit 4700 Credits

croppa 30 Croppa
jadiz 70 Jadiz

Credit 4400 Credits

croppa 30 Croppa
enor pearl 75 Enor Pearl

Bound Unicord - Armored
Bound Unicord - Armored
You want a big beard, but you also want it to be less obstructive? Bind it - with shackles! Credit 6350 Credits

bismor 85 Bismor
jadiz 145 Jadiz
enor pearl 45 Enor Pearl

Credit 7200 Credits

jadiz 150 Jadiz
enor pearl 45 Enor Pearl
magnite 95 Magnite

Credit 6950 Credits

umanite 145 Umanite
croppa 60 Croppa
bismor 95 Bismor

Credit 8150 Credits

bismor 55 Bismor
jadiz 85 Jadiz
enor pearl 150 Enor Pearl

Bound Unicord - Gilded
Bound Unicord - Gilded
You want a big beard, but you also want it to be less obstructive? Bind it - with bling! Credit 18450 Credits

croppa 80 Croppa
jadiz 125 Jadiz
enor pearl 205 Enor Pearl

Credit 20550 Credits

bismor 155 Bismor
jadiz 210 Jadiz
magnite 85 Magnite

Credit 21900 Credits

jadiz 85 Jadiz
enor pearl 160 Enor Pearl
magnite 190 Magnite

Credit 21000 Credits

umanite 185 Umanite
bismor 85 Bismor
magnite 155 Magnite

Braided Abundance
Braided Abundance
Just spectacular. For the elder dwarf, proud of his heritage, stoic in his beliefs. Does imply a certain level of vanity... Credit 8250 Credits

croppa 150 Croppa
bismor 40 Bismor
umanite 90 Umanite

Credit 6000 Credits

enor pearl 155 Enor Pearl
jadiz 55 Jadiz
croppa 80 Croppa

Credit 6050 Credits

umanite 140 Umanite
jadiz 40 Jadiz
croppa 95 Croppa

Credit 8350 Credits

jadiz 150 Jadiz
umanite 50 Umanite
magnite 85 Magnite

Braided Abundance - Armored
Braided Abundance - Armored
Just spectacular. For the elder dwarf, proud of his heritage, stoic in his beliefs. Does imply a certain level of vanity... Credit 6550 Credits

magnite 145 Magnite
jadiz 55 Jadiz
bismor 80 Bismor

Credit 8450 Credits

bismor 150 Bismor
croppa 40 Croppa
jadiz 100 Jadiz

Credit 8450 Credits

magnite 160 Magnite
croppa 60 Croppa
bismor 95 Bismor

Credit 7600 Credits

jadiz 145 Jadiz
croppa 45 Croppa
magnite 95 Magnite

Braided Abundance - Gilded
Braided Abundance - Gilded
Just spectacular. For the elder dwarf, proud of his heritage, stoic in his beliefs. Does imply a certain level of vanity... Credit 20000 Credits

magnite 130 Magnite
enor pearl 85 Enor Pearl
jadiz 190 Jadiz

Credit 19900 Credits