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Lanzagranadas portátil (LGP) Deepcore 40mm
GearGraphic GrenadeLauncher
Detalles del equipo
Tipo Arma pesada
Usada por: Ingeniero
Ranura Secundaria
Disponibilidad Por defecto
El que creó la frase "bueno, bonito, barato" debía de tener esta hermosura en mente. Barato, fiable y totalmente devastador.
~ Descripción del objeto

Descripción[ | ]

El lanzagranadas portátil de 40mm es el arma secundaria por defecto del ingeniero. Consiste en un lanzagranadas que puede llevar un solo soldado y con una apariencia repleta de agarraderas metálicas y cables. El lanzagranadas es un arma con cañón basculante, es decir, el barril del arma se abre con un gesto que permite descubrir las cámaras donde se recarga la nueva munición a disparar.

Dentro del arsenal de DRG, el LGP es un arma simple y efectiva. Encuentra un conjunto de enemigos muy bien agrupados y aprieta el gatillo; acto seguido, verás cómo sus entrañas cubren todas las paredes de la zona. El alto daño del arma y área de efecto decente la convierten en una herramienta efectiva para controlar a los enemigos terrestres, especialmente a aquellos con blindaje ligero como los obreros glífidos. Su factor de miedo es elevado, lo que significa que cualquiera que sobreviva a la explosión tiene una alta probabilidad de quedar aterrorizado tras el ataque.

The PGL's biggest drawback is its low ammo count; the grenades are heavy, and as such the Engineer can only carry eight in reserve. As a result the PGL's immense damage must only be used when necessary and shells cannot be fired haphazardly. Certain modifications and Weapon Overclocks can help to mitigate this issue, but only by so much. The PGL also suffers to hurt bigger targets such as pretores glifidos, debido a su falta de daño directo por disparo. Sin embargo, a pesar de esto, el lanzagranadas portátil es un arma bastante eficiente para romper el blindaje natural de las criaturas, infligiendo un 50 % más de daño a estas.

Initial Stats
Daño en área 110
Radio de Daño 2,5
Ammo máx. 8
Cadencia de tiro
(por segundo)
Tiempo de recarga 2.0s
Bonif. de Ruptura de blindaje 50%
Factor de miedo +100

Modifications[ | ]

There are five tiers and each tier has two to three upgrades, only one upgrade can be equipped per tier.

Engineer Upgrades
Mod Effect Description Price
Tier 1 Icon Upgrade Area
Fragmentary Shell
+1 Damage Radius Damage radius increase Credit 1000 Credits

Bismor 20 de bismor

Icon Upgrade Ammo
Expanded Ammo Bags
+2 Max Ammo Expanded Ammo Bags Credit 1000 Credits

Enor pearl 20 perlas enor

Icon Upgrade Area Damage
HE Compound
+15 Area Damage The good folk in R&D have been busy. The overall damage of your weapon is increased. Credit 1000 Credits

Bismor 20 Bismor

Tier 2
Level 6
Icon Upgrade Ammo
Extra Ammo
+3 Max Ammo Expanded Ammo Bags Credit 1800 Credits

Jadiz 12 de jadiz
Croppa 18 de croppa

Icon Upgrade Area Damage
Larger Payload
+20 Area Damage More bang for the buck! Increases the damage done within the Area of Effect! Credit 1800 Credits

Enor pearl 12 perlas enor
Bismor 18 de bismor

Icon Upgrade ProjectileSpeed
High Velocity Grenades
+180% Projectile Velocity We souped up the ejection mechanisms of your gun, so the projectiles are now fired at a much higher velocity. Credit 1800 Credits

Croppa 12 de croppa
Jadiz 18 de jadiz

Tier 3
Level 10
Icon Upgrade Heat
Incendiary Compound
+50% Converted to Fire 50% damage converted to heat. This will reduce direct damage, but will set enemies on fire. Credit 2200 Credits

Croppa 20 de croppa
Jadiz 30 de jadiz

Icon Upgrade ArmorBreaking
Pressure Wave
+500% Armor Break Bonus We're proud of this one. Armor shredding. Tear through that high-impact plating of those bug buggers like butter. What could be finer? Credit 2200 Credits

Enor pearl 20 perlas enor
Magnite 30 de magnita

Tier 4
Level 14
Icon Overclock ChangeOfHigherDamage
Homebrew Explosive
+Randomized Damage
(between x0.8 and x1.4 damage)
More damage on average but it's a bit inconsistent with a spread of 80% to 140% Credit 3800 Credits

Jadiz 15 de jadiz
Magnite 25 de magnita
Bismor 36 de bismor

Icon Upgrade Area
Nails + Tape
+1.5 Damage Radius Fire in the hole! The Area of Effect is increased. (We advise keeping the term "safe distance" close to your heart) Credit 3800 Credits

Enor pearl 15 perlas enor
Croppa 25 de croppa
Jadiz 36 de jadiz

Icon Upgrade Stun
Concussive Blast
+100% Stun Chance Stuns creatures within the blast radius Credit 3800 Credits

Magnite 15 de magnita
Jadiz 25 de jadiz
Enor pearl 36 perlas enor

Tier 5
Level 18
Icon Upgrade Special
Proximity Trigger
+Proximity Trigger Grenades will explode when they are close to an enemy. Damage goes up the longer the projectile flies. Up to +100% Credit 4400 Credits

Bismor 40 de bismor
Croppa 60 de croppa
Magnite 110 de magnita

Icon Upgrade DamageGeneral
Spiky Grenade
+60 Direct Damage

(Damage type: Explosive)

Deals damage on direct impact Credit 4400 Credits

Jadiz 40 de jadiz
Croppa 60 de croppa
Umanite 110 Umanite

Unique Modifications[ | ]

Compuesto incendiario[ | ]

Icon Upgrade Heat

El Mod Compuesto incendiario es un arriesgado modificador de arma cuya pérdida de un 50 % de daño directo y en área lo hace parecer poco atractivo; sin embargo, en compensación por esta pérdida, la munición que lanza el arma hará arder a los enemigos directamente, lo que te convierte menos en un tirador y más en un personaje de apoyo que hará que un mayor número de enemigos huya y sufra daños con el tiempo con sus disparos, permitiendo a tus aliados rematar la faena.

Proximity Trigger[ | ]

Icon Upgrade Special

Proximity Trigger changes the projectiles of the PGL so that it does not explode on contact. Instead, it will bounce off surfaces and preserve velocity. When the grenade is close to an enemy it will automatically detonate. The trigger radius is based on the explosion radius, therefore a larger radius will cause the grenade to be more volatile. There is a very brief period of time directly after being fired in which the grenade cannot be triggered. If the grenade is not triggered within 3 seconds of being fired, it will automatically explode. The scaling damage of this upgrade is currently bugged.

Overclocks[ | ]

Deepcore 40mm PGL
Type Overclock Effect Description Price
Icon Upgrade Area
Clean Sweep
+10 Area Damage
+0.5 Effect Radius
Increases the explosion radius and damage without any unwanted effects. Credit 8100 Credits

Umanite 135 Umanite
Enor pearl 70 Enor Pearl
Bismor 105 Bismor

Icon Upgrade Ammo
Pack Rat
+2 Max Ammo You found a way to pack away two more rounds somewhere Credit 7950 Credits

Magnite 120 Magnite
Bismor 80 Bismor
Enor pearl 105 Enor Pearl

Icon Upgrade Ammo
Compact Rounds
+4 Max Ammo
-10 Area Damage
-0.5 Effect Radius
Smaller and lighter rounds means more rounds in the pocket at the cost of the explosion's effective radius and damage Credit 7900 Credits

Bismor 120 Bismor
Umanite 70 Umanite
Enor pearl 100 Enor Pearl

Icon Overclock ExplosionJump
RJ250 Compound
+RJ250 Compound
-25 Area Damage
Trade raw damage for the ability to use explosions to move yourself and your teammates. Credit 8800 Credits

Umanite 120 Umanite
Bismor 65 Bismor
Enor pearl 110 Enor Pearl

Icon Upgrade Area Damage
Fat Boy
+330 Area Damage
+1 Effect Radius
x0.3 Max Ammo
x0.7 Projectile Velocity
Big and deadly and dirty. Too bad plutonium is so heavy that you can only take a few rounds with you. And remember to take care with the fallout. Credit 8300 Credits

Bismor 120 Bismor
Enor pearl 70 Enor Pearl
Magnite 105 Magnite

Icon Upgrade ProjectileSpeed
Hyper Propellant
+250 Direct Damage
+350% Projectile Velocity
x0.3 Effect Radius
New super-high velocity projectiles trade explosive range for raw damage in a tight area. The larger rounds also limit the total amount you can carry. Credit 8950 Credits

Magnite 130 Magnite
Jadiz 70 Jadiz
Croppa 90 Croppa

Aspectos[ | ]

Puedes consultar la guía completa de aspectos de este arma en la sección "Aspectos para armas".

Gallery[ | ]

Información adicional[ | ]

Plantilla:Equipment nav
